03 June 2008

Taco is a bad word

This evening all the Spain team members training here in Farmington, Mich., at SEND's headquarters sat down at supper with Betsy, a former Spain long-term missionary. Up to this point we've received heavy-duty spiritual instruction and information about how to work together as a team and with the long-term missionaries and nationals. Betsy gave us the lowdown on cultural Spain -- how to dress, what to say and not say, how to evade political questions, etc.
Through this entire lesson I began to see more reasons why God called me to Spain. Spaniards are a highly critical, confrontational people who love debate. Does this sound like anyone you know? :-D

They even hold tertullias, which are groups that meet at the local cafe and debate whatever subject comes up. I was aware of this, but it didn't really sink in until Betsy talked about it.
And taco is a bad word because it's a crass term for "dirty." So don't say it in Spain!

As for the group here at training, I'm encouraged to see how all of us short-termers work together without regard to non-essential doctrine. Some people came from Moody Bible Institute, some from Lancaster Bible College, some from small Southern Baptist schools and other different ones. There is no pride in denominations. We agree that Christ is the only means for salvation. And we cannot downplay this truth because otherwise we condemn people to hell. Speaker Dave Tucker brought up the point that many people see this as God being unfair, but God's been more than fair and we're the ones not being fair because we're not following Christ's command to go out and tell people about Him.
I keep thinking about this a lot.

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