21 June 2008

Prayer Update

As the second week in Spain draws to a close, I'd like to share some praise and prayer requests.

-The huge turnout for Friday's outreach. Twenty three children stayed for the Gospel presentation. Eva, a church member, told the story using colors -- black to represent sin, red for Christ's blood, white for our forgiveness, etc.
-Children's enthusiasm for the event. They want to keep coming every week and are telling their friends.
-The safe arrival of our two other short-termers, Rebekah and Ryan.
-Assimilation of Kendra, Whitney and I to the culture. We're able to get around quite well. My favorite way to help is to run errands -- such as getting the daily bread at the pasteleria (bakery) and groceries at the alimentacion (mom 'n pop grocery store) -- for Karin.
-Safe arrival of the Hendricks, a long-termer family, this week. They were on home service and returned to help with the MK school.

-That the SEND Spain annual conference, which runs Monday through Thursday, will be a fruitful time to grow and encourage each other, as well as complete items of business for the mission.
-That hearts would be open to the Gospel through this children's outreach effort each Friday, and even now God would prepare children for the Christian camp in Murcia in July.
-Our newly-arrived team members would assimilate quickly and gel with the team already in place.
-Difficulties with a nuance-laden culture. Even long-termers get discouraged sometimes.

Thank you for your continued prayer for the mission. I'm so excited that even in a short-term situation, we've seen growth.
We will leave early Monday for the conference. It's about an hour and a half away from Acala, at one of SEND's camps.

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