29 June 2008

How to win in Spain

In case you haven't heard the cacophony of car horns, firecrackers and wild screaming from across the Atlantic, know now this historic news: Spain won the European Cup. For the first time in 44 years, in fact. The Associated Press has a great early-release article detailing Germany's crumbling lineup and Fernando Torres' goal. ¡Viva España!
Last Sunday some of the our team went to the Plaza de Colón (Columbus' Square) in Madrid to watch Spain beat Italy in a penalty-kicks shootout. The Plaza is where more than 30,000 Spaniards can cram together and watch the live-feed games on large screens.

But to continue with the sports theme, I was blessed to see how SEND missionaries work as a team during their annual conference this past week. I came to the camp, Pinos Reales (Royal Pines), expecting four days chock-full of business meetings and training. Instead, I watched as each missionary had the opportunity to share their successes and struggles with the group and also have time to recharge. It was so great to see how honest the missionaries could be with each other -- even when sharing about family struggles and frustrations with ministry. A team from a church in Chicago flew in to provide children's activities and lead corporate worship. The afternoons were free to allow families to play in the pool together, or perhaps take a walk to spend time alone with God and enjoying the pines that smelled almost like a tart eucalyptus. We ended the conference on Thursday by the lake reservoir, praying for each other and taking communion together.

On Saturday we painted and cleaned a missionary family's home. The Hendricks recently returned from service in the United States and will move into their chalet (a type of rowhouse) on Thursday.

This week we will work on an evangelical campaign (campaña) in the city of Guadalajara. We will hand out tracts and talk to people. Wednesday we'll have a craft outreach for children and Thursday is the main youth event. We'll have icebreaking games, food, devotional segments and a skit for the jovenes (young people). We met this evening with members of the Guadalajara team in their house church to brainstorm, pray and attend their evening service. How amazing that God can use a group of five people meeting in a home to bring about change in this city! Please pray that all participating in the campaign will have a ready answer for the questions people will ask them and that the Holy Spirit will soften people's hearts in order to hear and respond to the Gospel.

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