"Station 3KM 98.1, where you find a smile every day"
For the past two weeks my teammates and I have attended Escuela Internacional, a small language school in Alcalá. It is not a Christian school by any means. Nevertheless, in interacting with other foreign students and the patient professors, we've also been able to talk about our faith.Yesterday our teacher Valeria introduced the discussion topic "prioridades" (priorities). She had each of us detail our priorities in life. Some students talked of having friends, a good job, the typical concerns of day-to-day life. Kendra and I exchanged a glance and piped up about there having to be "un algo más" (something more) in life -- namely, a relationship with God. Valeria was surprised and asked us to explain in more detail. So we got to tag-team sharing our thoughts about faith and our relationship with Christ. Valeria then quizzically cocked her head to the side and asked, "You are evangelicals?" and when we said yes, she got all excited and said she had an evangelical friend, so the friend would know what we were talking about. When I spoke with Becky, one of the long-termers, she said it's not that people do not want to hear about Christ, it's that a testimony must be repeated many times before it sinks in. The analogy of the hard, dry soil comes to mind again.
It's interesting to experience the dichotomy of opinion about evangelical Christianity -- Spaniards view it with suspicion, yet want to hear more when people talk about it.
The picture above is an activity our class completed yesterday. We created a radio station (emisora), 3KM -- to signify Kendra, Kari, Kim and Marianne, and recorded different segments to be played on the Internet.
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