28 August 2013

La cuenta regresiva

My coworker Enrique, who is Colombian, taught me a new word this past week: cuenta regresiva. It means countdown. I'm certainly counting down the hours until I'm back in Spain.
I'm excited but a smidge nervous. What if I've lost so much fluency I can't effectively communicate? The thought of freezing up whilst talking with friends and strangers isn't pleasant, but I'm praying that God would be evident even in my tussles with Castilian.

So here I sit in transit, waiting with great expectation until I can board the plane and get my first glimpses of the buff-colored soil of my favorite meseta.
Until then...

15 August 2013

On Long-Term Discipline

Discipline is tough. Long-term discipline is even harder.
Last night I debated with myself over getting takeout (spicy tuna sushi, mi amor!) because I wanted to save some pocket money for Spain. Simply telling myself that one takeout meal would equal nine (!) cafes con leche in Madrid wasn't sufficient. My will only goes so far, especially when it comes to sushi.
But I did end up cooking instead.
It sounds ridiculous, but I'm learning that the long term rests upon the small battles. Paul Tripp says we live our life in 10,000 little moments. Please continue to pray for the little moments leading up to this Spain trip and beyond. Step by step, I see God's leading.