11 July 2009


In just about six hours, I'll hop in my parents' car and make the trek down to Pittsburgh for the first leg of my journey to Spain. Up until this point, I've made the necessary logistical preparations. But God's really reminded me tonight that I need to let Him prepare for me -- I need to let Him prepare my heart to minister, and also to let God prepare His way for me.
Please pray for this assignment God's given me. My love for Spain does not merit much unless the Lord directs my steps.

Please pray specifically that:
-I would be a good help wherever I serve
-People's hearts would be prepared for the Gospel and it would be shared with them
-Missionaries and native Spanish workers would be encouraged
-The church in Aguilas would be filled with the Holy Spirit and be a powerful witness to the city
-Young people especially would be drawn to the evangelical churches
-The Lord would send more workers to Spain!

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. It's been amazing to watch the Lord work through so many people. God has done so much in a year's time!


  1. Gracias por volver a España. Que el Señor te ayude y te cuide en tu estancia aquí (y en toda tu vida). Tu amiga española: Eva.

  2. Wow. You're coming back to Spain!!. We wait for you to improve your ways in the Lord and bring us your help again.


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