16 May 2009


The woman in the royal blue sari smiled as she welcomed us into her home. Sambar – a stew-like dish with vegetables and lentils – slowly cooked on a primus stove. A young goat bleated from behind a rusty folding chair, disturbed by the visitors. Five family members lived in the thatch-roofed house that was no bigger than a dorm room. But we were there because of the smiling woman. Ruby is one of the few believers in a remote village 100 kilometers north of Bangalore. Pregnant and with a husband who is not a believer, Ruby lives in a village where persecution at times is bad enough that believers are not permitted to get water from the community well. They’re outcasts because of their testimony to the Name.
We had the blessing of gathering in Ruby’s hut and praying for her, her husband and her baby. The sense of unity in Christ was nearly overwhelming as we stood around and prayed.
Ruby is just one of the Christians I met in that tiny village. Please pray for her and our other brothers and sisters there, and thank you for continuing to pray for us as we minister.

1 comment:

  1. ¡Que el Señor te guarde en este viaje y seas de bendición a muchos! Sigue escribiendo cuando puedas.


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