26 July 2008

Starting the Descent

In these quiet moments of early Sunday morning, I'd like to share some prayer updates.

A huge, almost unprecedented by Spain standards (so I've been told) turnout of children and parents for the Azuqueca campaign. Each day most of the seats in front of the stage were filled with children excited to sing songs and hear the story. In the evening, parents came and watched Gospel films such as "The Cross and the Switchblade" and "The Climb."
New friends in the Barcelona crew -- and grace to understand each other despite different dialects!
Having the opportunity to visit the Alcala church plant and see how God is growing a garden in the desert -- the church meets in the heart of a more worn neighborhood, surrounded by bars and clubs.
A farewell party in which neighborhood adults came into the church and met church members. This is important as again, many Spaniards will not walk into an evangelical church.
New missionary friends -- Ken and Allison, a British couple who have served in Spain for 23 years.

Continued energy for work at the MK school this week, various excursions and the journey to Zaragoza on Saturday.

That God would place us in volunteer spots there at the Expo that would bring Him the most glory.
Continued linguistic and culture awareness. After about 11 p.m. fluency tends to decrease due to tired brains and bodies.
Protection for long-term missionary families. Their role here is indispensable, but the Accuser would love to see them discouraged and therefore ineffective.
That individually and as a team we would be inspired to pray continually and depend solely on God (and not our own skills, though each member has been richly and diversely gifted) for everything.
That God would send more workers into the harvest field. There is so much work to be done, and time is running short! Jesus is coming soon.

And our time in Spain is running short, as well. We'll be flying home in two weeks.

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