I leave for Colombia in less than a week. I don't feel completely ready, but I'm praying that the Lord's grace will be sufficient. That verse in 2 Corinthians has given me a lot of peace in the last few weeks.
I've been in my job nearly two months. Because of the commute, I had to buy a car - my first car. I bought a stick shift because I wanted to master it in anticipation of driving in Spain, and I kept the verse right in front of the shifter to remind me during those first, faltering weeks. Praise God for his mercy. His grace is sufficient.
Please pray as our Tenth team as we leave Thursday. I'm assigned to a medical team conducting a cardiology clinic. Please pray that we would work well and the love of Christ would show through our work. Please pray for fluency (I'm feeling a bit rusty) and understanding. Finally, pray for the two sister churches down there. Pray that we would be an encouragement to them.
And please pray for Spain. The Lord continually reminds me of the work and friends there.