This just in: we got our passports back from the Russian embassy today, and we all were approved for visas. Now that our papers are in order, we're ready to go!
Praise the Lord!
We have our final Russia team meeting in Indiana tomorrow! I'm excited for tomorrow because we'll get to discuss the nuts and bolts of international travel, and be talking about culture shock. I'm so grateful for how the Lord has equipped me for missions through SEND, and that I'll be able to share some of these skills with our Indiana part of the team.
God has blessed our planning meetings for the last month and a half, so with one week remaining until we start our adventure to Russia, I'd like to update you on a few prayer requests:
Please pray for the spiritual development in each of us on the team. Pray that Christ would be the center of everything we do, and that we would focus on Him alone.
Please continue to pray for us as we await the last of our support. Deb and I still have to raise a little more than $1,000 each, and one of our high school students, Maria, still has to raise nearly 2/3 of her support . Please pray for us to trust the Lord as He graciously provides.
Pray for us as we make last-minute logistical preparations and meet the rest of our team next Saturday in Chicago. Pray that our orientation would be profitable and make us a more united team.
Pray for preparations in Russia for English camp. The full-time workers in Russia have been working hard to make the camp a fruitful time for the Russian students.
Please pray for our travels, from Pittsburgh to Chicago, Chicago to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to St. Petersburg and back again. (The photo above is of Frankfurt -- we'll be flying on a similar plane from there!)
God is so gracious, and has blessed us so much. Praise Him for what He is doing, and will do in Russia!