I arrived back in Indiana on Saturday to a strange FedEx package on my desk. Ripping it open, I found a letter from Student Venture and the official mission handbook. Student Venture accepted me for the Russia trip!The dates for the trip are March 20-April 4. I couldn't be more excited about what God's going to accomplish through this ministry.
Please pray as I prepare mentally and spiritually for the mission. Please pray for the four high school students I will accompany. Pray for our leader, Deb. Pray for us as we seek prayer and financial partners. And finally, pray for the Russians we will teach -- that their hearts would be open to the Gospel and they would hunger for Christ.
Historically, I'm a planner. I like to know what's going on - yesterday. Sometimes this is a good trait, but sometimes I plan God out of things, trying to accomplish tasks using only my own strength. So you can imagine how God might seek to break me of this. In the past few days there have been a few challenges. There was a glitch in the mission application that was recently caught, which has tightened the already snug deadline for raising support for the Russia trip. The fleshly part of me is skeptical that I'll raise enough in time, but I know in my heart that if the Lord wants me to go, He will provide. He is faithful. Obstacles are nothing to Him.
Let's praise our amazing God for who He is and what He is doing -- in the U.S., in Russia and in Spain. Praise the Lord!