Please pray for me as I job hunt, keeping in mind my long-term goal to return to Spain. Pray that I wouldn't be distracted from that goal; that I would seek the best thing instead of just good things. And finally, pray for Spain and the work going on there. If you don't get the SEND Spain newsletter, sign up for it. You'll be blessed by the encouraging news.
10 December 2010
Please pray for me as I job hunt, keeping in mind my long-term goal to return to Spain. Pray that I wouldn't be distracted from that goal; that I would seek the best thing instead of just good things. And finally, pray for Spain and the work going on there. If you don't get the SEND Spain newsletter, sign up for it. You'll be blessed by the encouraging news.
25 July 2010
One positive thing Dad instilled in me was an interest in global missions. When I was young, he'd often read books about evangelism and the persecuted church on Sunday afternoons.
Dad and I never talked about Spain or the other projects I worked on. But I can appreciate that at this moment he is whole, free and has comprehension of that and so much more.
I'm still working steadily toward getting back to Spain. I have a gigantic Spanish flag tacked to my cubicle, along with World Cup newspaper clippings from El Hispano. Every day is a day closer.
27 June 2010
What do you want to do?
The last month in Philadelphia has taught me a lot about the difference between my and God's priorities. I like my life on a schedule, but the Lord often diverts me from the linear. When I first started working at my new job, I was a bit frustrated that I didn't absorb information as quickly as I wanted. (That's the perfectionist side coming out.) But I was reminded - sometimes through co-workers - that I wasn't expected to know everything, and that was okay. My boss even told me it would take about three months for me to get fully settled in the job! Letting go of one more facet of perfectionism is translating to my spiritual life recently, as well. I'm not supposed to have every twist figured out beforehand. God's in the driver's seat, and I'm supposed to follow His lead in obedience and with a peaceful spirit.
The exciting part is that God has shown His faithfulness, and I'm one more step toward Spain. In completing a month at the new job, I've learned a lot. My aim is to keep my eye on the prize, as my spiritual mentors keep telling me, and keep seeking the Lord's direction in paying off my student loans and seeking to serve in Spain. Please continue to pray for the ministries in Spain, the workers there, and for me as I keep inching toward the goal of getting back there. It's for His glory alone.
11 May 2010
Waiting For What's Best
My friend, Erin, and I were praying briefly this morning and her words resonated with me, "God, we know that when we wait for You, we wait for what's best for us."
Yesterday I received a call from a company in the Philadelphia area offering me a job, and today I got the letter in the mail. I start in two weeks.
This comes shortly before I hit the six month mark of unemployment, and exactly at the right time. I'll be working as a document management assistant, which means I get to scan, file and organize to my heart's content. It's a great job in a great place, and I'd love to talk more about it off the interwebs.
I'm also incredibly blessed because I already have a place to live (with family friends) and a church; a place where my spiritual foundation was built.
This is the next step in my path back to Spain. It's bittersweet, since I'll be leaving a lot of dear friends in western Pennsylvania who have become family, but I'm excited for this new phase.
Please pray for me as I make a lot of decisions in the next two weeks, move across the state and say goodbye to some of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray that I serve the Lord well in this new job and mission post.
04 May 2010
Russia and Rushing
As promised, some more pictures from the Russia experience.
From the top: some team members practice for the English Camp skits.
Kasha, a traditional porridge, greeted us every morning at the camp. Its taste is somewhere between cream of wheat and oatmeal.
For the talent show, my students decided to sing the Beatles' hit, "Yesterday," as a group.
One of my students, Saymon, added levity to the class. My translator, Anya, and I became friends during the week.
And last but not least, this sign flashed up on the screen in a dark subway in Frankfurt, Germany.
God is gracious!
The rushing part of this post is the fact that while I was in Philadelphia, I was called in for two interviews. Today when I returned to Indiana, I got a letter in the mail requesting I interview in Philadelphia for yet another position. Pray for wisdom and peace as I navigate this time, and as I prepare for the road ahead in getting back to Spain.
19 April 2010
Russia in two lenses
In terms of my mission then, I had the awesome opportunity to share the Gospel not only with my students, but with two groups of girls when we did street evangelism in St. Petersburg after English Camp. And we believe that 11 people came to know Christ in those two weeks. How great is our God!
But in regard to my mission for the future, the entire time I was in Russia, I was bombarded by Spain. From Spanish tourists at the table next to me in restaurants, to Spanish pop music that played the instant I walked into stores, to Russians coming up to me and telling me that God was trying to tell me I should return to Spain as a worker, I was overwhelmed. And convicted. But conviction without action isn't of any merit, so I've been in contact with SEND, seeking counsel in how I should proceed.
I'll post more about this process when I know more. In the meantime, I hope to give you a window into my experience in St. Petersburg.

The entire Student Venture team, Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania, with a few of our translators.
More photos coming soon!
16 March 2010
Answer to Prayer
13 March 2010
A week out

God has blessed our planning meetings for the last month and a half, so with one week remaining until we start our adventure to Russia, I'd like to update you on a few prayer requests:
Please pray for the spiritual development in each of us on the team. Pray that Christ would be the center of everything we do, and that we would focus on Him alone.
Please continue to pray for us as we await the last of our support. Deb and I still have to raise a little more than $1,000 each, and one of our high school students, Maria, still has to raise nearly 2/3 of her support . Please pray for us to trust the Lord as He graciously provides.
Pray for us as we make last-minute logistical preparations and meet the rest of our team next Saturday in Chicago. Pray that our orientation would be profitable and make us a more united team.
Pray for preparations in Russia for English camp. The full-time workers in Russia have been working hard to make the camp a fruitful time for the Russian students.
Please pray for our travels, from Pittsburgh to Chicago, Chicago to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to St. Petersburg and back again. (The photo above is of Frankfurt -- we'll be flying on a similar plane from there!)
God is so gracious, and has blessed us so much. Praise Him for what He is doing, and will do in Russia!
28 February 2010
Я пoнимаю? ...Почти
In the last few weeks I've been trying to absorb as much Russian I can. It's definitely been a slow process for me, but I've been excited to start learning new grammar structures and pronunciations (and they're so different than Spanish!). What can I say? I'm still a word nerd.
Please continue to pray for our preparations. We sent in our visa applications last week, and are waiting for responses from Student Venture and the Russian Federation. We're also waiting for responses from supporters, as well. Please pray that the administrative and logistic process would be as smooth as possible, leaving us with more time to prepare spiritually.
Please pray for the full-time workers already in place in Russia. Pray for their encouragement and spiritual growth.
And finally, pray for Spain.
05 February 2010
Prayers for Russia

1. Pray for our three high schoolers: Chelsea, Rachel and Maria. All three go to school nearby. As far as I know, none have ever been overseas. Pray for ease of transition and dealing with culture shock.
2. Pray for Deb and I as we coordinate efforts with Student Venture headquarters and the people in Russia, as well as encouraging our students in their support raising. It can seem a little intimidating writing support letters for the first time!
3. Pray for our Russian students, some of whom already know we are coming. Pray for open hearts and a hunger for the Gospel.
4. Pray for me as I attempt to learn some Russian before I go. One of the students in my International Bible study, Lana -- from Russia, offered to tutor me. Pray that I would be a good witness to her as we meet each week.
Thank you for all your prayers. If you'd also like to be a financial supporter, you can visit my Campus Crusade donation portal here. Praise the Lord for how He is putting this mission together step by step and piece by piece.
24 January 2010
Здравствулте (Hello), Russia

Please pray as I prepare mentally and spiritually for the mission. Please pray for the four high school students I will accompany. Pray for our leader, Deb. Pray for us as we seek prayer and financial partners. And finally, pray for the Russians we will teach -- that their hearts would be open to the Gospel and they would hunger for Christ.
07 January 2010

Let's praise our amazing God for who He is and what He is doing -- in the U.S., in Russia and in Spain. Praise the Lord!